Anal skin tag removal: a reliable solution at our Rejubeau clinics in Toronto and Richmond Hill

Anal skin tags often cause discomfort and embarrassment to many people.
For many people, anal skin tags can lead to feelings of discomfort and embarrassment. At our laser skin clinic, with locations in Toronto and Richmond Hill, we offer a safe and effective solution to anal skin tag removal. Our advanced techniques, including the Bovie Electrocautery and Aerolase Laser, provide patients with a convenient and reliable way to address this concern.

Getting to know anal skin tags

Anal skin tags usually appear as small, harmless lumps of skin in the anal area. These tags are usually painless but can be a source of irritation and self-consciousness. They are usually caused by friction and pressure, often associated with conditions such as hemorrhoids or anal fissures.

What are anal skin tags and should they be removed?

An anal skin tag is an overgrowth of skin around the anus. Anal skin tags are almost always benign and rarely cause pain. However, skin tags can cause discomfort and itching. They are usually small and may be your normal skin color (or slightly darker). Most skin tags can be left alone if they don’t bother you. Often, patients prefer to have them removed for cosmetic reasons and general discomfort.

What causes anal skin tags?

Genetics may be a factor, and there are other factors, such as:
Friction or irritation from exercise, prolonged sitting, or tight clothing
Diarrhea/loose stools that cause irritation due to high acidity and excessive purging
Constipation, pushing and passing large stools that stretch the skin around the anus
Crohn’s disease – these patients are more prone to anal skin tags
Hemorrhoids that contract and heal and cause skin stretching or anal skin lesions
Diagnosis is usually straightforward, especially if anal skin tags are easily visible. Otherwise, Dr. Perryman may use a thin instrument called an anoscope (a small lighted tube) to see right inside the anus. Most patients report little or no discomfort during this examination.

Deletion is a viable option and a fairly common administrative practice. As with any medical procedure, Dr. Perryman, a board-certified colon and rectal surgeon, will discuss the risks and benefits beforehand.

Removal is relatively painless. An anesthetic solution is applied before removal. Recovery time is usually quick. On the day of surgery, rest without lifting heavy objects. You should be able to resume your normal activities within a week.

How do you prevent anal skin spots?

Prevention is not always possible as there may be a genetic component. Follow these helpful tips to reduce their appearance:

Keep your bowel habits regular by eating high-fiber foods and drinking plenty of fluids
Wear breathable underwear
Avoid excessive toweling after using the toilet
Eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly—overweight people are more prone to skin blemishes

Anal skin tag symptoms

Anal skin tags often appear as a collection of tiny bumps or bumps in or around the anus. They can appear as a single skin tag but are more commonly found in multiples.
Although anal skin tags are not usually a source of pain, they are often itchy and uncomfortable and may result in soiling of clothing.

In many cases, patients may not be aware of their anal skin tags until they have grown to a significant size. To help ensure optimal health, we recommend regular colon and rectal screening to identify and remove any polyps.

The most common symptoms associated with anal skin tags or colon polyps are as follows:

bloody stool
Mucous secretions
Increased or decreased bowel movements
Abdominal discomfort or pain
What causes anal skin tags?
The skin of the anus is stretched during defecation to allow stool to pass through the body. When the patient suffers from hemorrhoids, the stretching process is intensified by pressure on the blood vessels around the anus. As the hemorrhoid shrinks, a skin tag is left behind.

Certain conditions can predispose some people to the development of anal skin tags. There are as follows:

  • diarrhea
  • heavy lifting
  • Straining the anus from constipation
  • intense exercise
  • hemorrhoids
  • pregnancy
  • Inflammation of the anus or rectum
  • Crohn’s disease
  • blood clots

Our treatment for Anal Skin Tag Removal

Proctology treatment

Baghisan NATCM Herbal Ointment is an effective means of helping patients suffering from anal skin tags. When used in conjunction with natural protocols, patients receive the following benefits:

  1. Freedom from all pain
  2. Stop any bleeding or discharge
  3. Proper coagulation of wounds
  4. New tissue growth
  5. Detoxification of veins to increase optimal blood flow
  6. Death of hemorrhoids

Microsurgery and natural treatment

For patients with colorectal polyps or anal skin tags, microsurgery may be necessary. Although most anal skin tags are non-cancerous, there is no danger or discomfort in allowing them to remain in the body. All polyps or skin tags should be removed and sent for pathology to determine whether they are benign or malignant.

Large polyps or anal skin tags often require multiple treatments or even surgery to remove completely. After anal skin tags or polyps are removed, regular checkups and follow-up tests will be necessary for up to five years after surgery. Screening is recommended because up to 30% of patients will see polyps recur after removal. In some cases, drug therapy is needed immediately after the operation, and aftercare is necessary to prevent infection.