Vaginal cosmetic surgery or labiaplasty is a cosmetic procedure to shrink the labia or make them symmetrical, which helps to beautify the shape of the vagina and improve the function of the labia. Care after vaginal cosmetic surgery is important as a result of labiaplasty.
If you have operated or have to do this surgery, be sure to read this article. Because in this article we have discussed two important issues about sleeping and sitting after labiaplasty. By following some tips, you will be told to prevent the labia from deforming by reducing the pressure.

How to sleep after labiaplasty (Post-Operative Care for Labiaplasty)

For the first three days after Labiaplasty in Toronto, you are advised to consume and lie in bed. But after the surgery, until the labia heals, you must observe the following while sleeping:

1- During the first two weeks after labiaplasty with laser or surgery, try to get 8 hours of sleep at night. Adequate sleep helps heal wounds and labia fusion faster.

2- To sleep for a long time like at night, you should lie on your back. If you can’t sleep on your back, you can try the semi-sitting position.

3- Do not sleep on your stomach under any circumstances because there is a lot of pressure on the labia and stitches and there is a high possibility of the stitches opening and the shape of the labia getting worse.

4- You can use pillows and software to support your whole body while sleeping. These pillows help you sleep more easily and move less during sleep.

5- You can put a soft pillow under your buttocks to reduce swelling and pressure on the labia. Placing the hips higher in this position helps to reduce the swelling of the labia.

6- During the first week after labiaplasty, you should not sleep on your side as much as possible. Because the swelling of the labia increases on that side, and after the labia are completely healed, you see that the labia on that side are bigger.

7- From the second week after vaginal cosmetic surgery, you can sleep on your side. But you have to change sides often. A big and soft pillow between the knees and the feet should not be pressed together and the labia should not be pressed together. Or you can use donut shaped pillows.

8- Wear loose, comfortable and cotton clothes while sleeping so that the vagina does not sweat, has good ventilation, does not put pressure on wounds and stitches, and does not cause labia pain.

How to sit after labiaplasty (Post-Operative Care for Labiaplasty)

The correct way to sit after labiaplasty is important, especially in the first and second week when there is a lot of swelling and the labiaplasty stitches have not yet fallen. The following tips will help women put pressure on their labia while sitting:

  • During the first week after surgery, lie more and sit less.
  • Your sitting should be very short.
  • When sitting on the seat, do not sit flat because it puts pressure on the stitches. You can use a donut-shaped pillow under the hips to
  • reduce the pressure of the sitting position.
  • During the first two weeks after vaginal cosmetic surgery, if necessary, do it in a sitting position as much as possible. You should also
  • avoid difficulties because it causes more swelling of the labia.
  • To sit, be sure to choose flat surfaces such as sofas and do not sit on the floor or flat wooden chairs.

Final summary

The best position to sleep after labiaplasty is to sleep on your back. If you sleep on your side, you should change your side frequently and put a pillow between your knees. Do not sit high and use a pillow under the hips.

Questions and answers about after labiaplasty

Can sitting and sleeping badly after vaginal cosmetic surgery cause the stitches to open?

yes If you keep the sleeping and sitting tips after labiaplasty in the first week (for example, sit a lot or sleep on your stomach), pressure will be placed on the vagina and the stitches will open.

How long should I sleep and sit after labiaplasty?

It takes 4 to 6 weeks for labia sores to heal completely and for most of the labia swelling to go away. Until then, be sure to follow all the tips we mentioned in this article on how to sit and sleep correctly after labiaplasty.